An excellent article on how different states check or don't check signatures on absentee ballots is at https://web.mit.edu/healthyelections/www/sites/default/files/2021-06/Signature_Verification.pdf . I hope to incorporate it into my post at some point, along with any comments I get. DONE

I will also cite the okay site https://hereistheevidence.com/ that collects 2020 irregularities. DONE

I will replace my picture with https://x.com/dolezal4senate/status/1338930333077696513 DONE

This Maricopa stuff might be relevant. https://x.com/realLizUSA/status/1601402596149059587

*****I made a mistae, probably, a comment found, ocfusing the absentee percentage of fraud ballots with the total vote percengage. This affects whether Trump would have won and so I really need to look into this. ***** DONE

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Let's Stop Using the Words:

'Trump Tried to Overturn the 2020 Election'

(It Is Unprofessional Journalism)


After almost [four] years, … it is beyond time for the media to stop "reporting" that "Trump tried to overturn a presidential election" and to quit referring matter-of-factly: to "the election that Trump lost"; to "Trump's defeat" and his "baseless" "false claims"; and to "Trump is challenging the results" of "Biden's victory (in, say, Georgia)" and to "swing the election in his favor."

…/… This is not a neutral, objective, and non-partisan view of of the facts of the 2020 election. Far from it. No. It is the (self-serving) DNC version. It is akin to asking "When did you stop beating your wife?"

…/… At this point, a crucial question arises: What is Donald Trump's version of the 2020 election?

Remember that his whole message — as was that of the protestors on Jan. 6, 2021 (not a single one of them, to my recollection, brandishing weapons other than cellphone cameras for selfies) — is exactly, or almost exactly, the same — i.e., that it was the DEMOCRATS who tried to overturn (and, indeed, who SUCCEEDED in overturning) the 2020 election and thus democracy (hence his, and the protesters', far from unreasonable anger).

…/… Given that the charges are basically the same, shouldn't a media outlet that was neutral, objective, and independent — instead of acting like the purveyors of (to use Trump's expression) fake news — give equal space to both charges?


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They aren't trying to be "neutral, objective, and non-partisan". They are actively avoiding those things. They are the propaganda wing of the Left, and many reporters fairly open admit it (though not in quite those words, of course).

"not a single one of them, to my recollection, brandishing weapons other than cellphone cameras for selfies"

After what the FBI itself has called "the largest investigation in their history", they were able to prosecute 3 people for *having* firearms with them that day, but none of them brandished or wielded them, and only one of them was reported for it that day (somebody saw the bulge) - the other 2 were ratted out by family members for having been their and having had a concealed weapon on them.

So your memory was correct.

"and, indeed, who SUCCEEDED in overturning"

For only the most extreme example, you can watch Georgie's vote get overturned on CCTV security footage.

For bonus points, you can check out articles (written over decades, available in multiple papers) giving advice for "man on the street" in third-world countries about how to determine if they should trust their own local elections...

By the advice we have given out to other countries for decades, the 2020 election was most likely fraudulent.

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DENVER — The Colorado Secretary of State’s Office inadvertently posted a spreadsheet to its website with a hidden tab that included voting system passwords....

On Tuesday morning, Colorado Republican Party Vice Chair Hope Scheppelman shared the hidden tab discovery in a mass email, along with an affidavit from someone who claims they had downloaded the Excel file from the Colorado Secretary of State’s website and discovered the hidden tab by simply clicking “unhide.” The name on the affidavit was blacked out in the Republican Party email.

9NEWS left a voicemail with Scheppelman on Tuesday afternoon.

The passwords that were in the hidden tab are known as BIOS passwords and are one part of the security process for Colorado’s voting machines.

They are passwords needed to configure system settings.

“There are two unique passwords for every election equipment component, which are kept in separate places and held by different parties. Passwords can only be used with physical in-person access to a voting system,” a spokesperson for the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office said.

"Colorado Secretary of State posted spreadsheet with voting system passwords"


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Your percentage comparisons are invalid because the percentages are of different things taken as wholes. 0.47% is out of total absentee ballots, while the margin % is out of total votes cast. Which means that with your proposed 0.5% fraud rate (which is absurdly high but I'll grant for the sake of the argument), and even absurdly granting that all of them were for Biden, Trump does not even win Georgia: 0.5% of GA absentee votes is is around 6500, while Trump's margin in GA is around 12000.

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I think you're right! I'll check and redo if necessary.

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I've changed the article to fix the mistake you found. Thank you!

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